Use and Maintenance


Congratulations!  When you acquire an Ecofogão, you have in your hands one of the most simple, efficient, and clean wood burning technologies currently available.  The Ecofogão uses the "Rocket stove" combustion chamber, which combines simple components that increase the efficiency of wood combustion such as thermal insulation, primary and secondary air entrances, and a natural draft. Additionally, the ECOFOGÃO uses a stove plate made with highly conductive cast iron and a system that favors heat transfer to the stove top rather than to the body of the stove.  It also prevents pollution inside the kitchen environment.  


The ECOFOGÃO is portable and easy to transport and install.  It is very practical, allowing you to cook on the same stove top in various ways.  You can cook with small or large pans, or directly on the stove top with things like meat, pancakes, tapioca, etc.


For best results and a longer life of your Ecofogão, we suggest that you follow the instructions below.




  • In order to transport the Ecofogão more easily, you can remove the lower section of the legs by simply unscrewing them.  
  • Always maintain the Ecofogão in an upright, horizontal position and avoid dropping it.
  • Avoid abrupt impact and movement during transport.  The ceramic burner can be dislocated or suffer other damages.  Also avoid physical shocks directly in the ceramic burner, or it may fracture.
  • If possible, tie and secure the Ecofogão to the vehicle well, especially for prolonged trips.





  • When installing the Ecofogão, look for the desired location taking into consideration the position of the combustion chamber and the sides of the stove.  The side closest to the burner is subject to the highest temperatures.  It is recommended that this side is placed close to a wall or some sort of protection from the table or other objects.  Avoid physical contact between people and this side of the Ecofogão.  The mouth of the burner needs to be orientated in a way that makes feeding wood to the fire easier, especially to use larger pieces of firewood.
  • The chimney also needs to be taken into consideration.  It can reach relatively hot temperatures and contact with it can cause superficial burns.  Install the Ecofogão so that the chimney is out of the way of your arms and especially of children.  
  • Install the Ecofogão in a horizontal, flat position. This is very important for the griddle to work correctly.
  • Install the entire chimney; the three tubes are needed to provide adequate height to cause a natural draft, which is practically the "engine" of the Ecofogão.  When the chimney is properly installed the best results will be observed in the Ecofogão: good burning, heat transfer, and the extraction of the hot gases.  Secure the chimney tightly in its place, avoid deviating it from its verticle position, and push the end of the chimney tightly into the Ecofogão.  
  • Verify that the stove top is positioned correctly. There should be a mark that aligns the griddle with the body of the Ecofogão.  This is the only position which works.  Also check the position of the gasket that seals the griddle to the body of the stove, which prevents smoke from escaping and cold air from entering under the griddle.  A good seal will help the chimney draft to feed oxygen to the fire and extract the hot gases effectively.   




  • In order for the Ecofogão to work correctly, the grate in the feeding area needs to be horizontal in the mouth of the combustion chamber.  The grate helps oxygenate the wood better, resulting in higher quality combustion.
  • In order to light the fire, put kindling and small pieces of firewood inside of the combustion chamber on top of the grate. Put a piece of folded, but not crushed, newspaper, into the front of the mouth and light the fire. The chimney needs to pull the fire inside, underneath the kindling, and the fire should light. Larger pieces of wood should immediately be fed into the fire. 
  • Don't use moist wood.  If it is a rainy day with high relative humidity, you can use some pieces of charcoal along with the kindling in order to increase the temperature in the combustion chamber quickly.  Look for a place to store your wood and keep it dry.
  • In order to heat the stove more quickly, put as much wood as you can into the fire and when the stove top is at the ideal temperature you can gradually decrease the amount of wood while maintaining the ideal temperature. 
  • The stove top will have different temperatures in different places.  The area on top of the burner will be hotter, and around the edges of the stove plate it will be less hot.  Use each area according to the amount of heat that you need.
  • Don't use wood that is too thick or too thin.  The ideal combination would be 3 to 5 pieces of wood from 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter.  Place them close to each other while maintaining a minimal distance between them to allow air to enter through each piece of wood.  Oxygenation of the wood is important for good combustion.
  • Avoid forcing the wood into the combustion chamber because you risk fracturing the ceramic.
  • Also avoid putting wood all the way to the end of the chamber, preventing passage of air to the back of the wood.  It is recommended to leave two centimeters of distance between the wood and the back of the chamber to allow gases to pass through.  
  • If all of the wood burns away but there are still hot coals inside of the combustion chamber, simply put another piece of wood in the chamber.  In a few minutes it should light spontaneously.  You do not need to blow on it.  If it is taking a long time, try putting a piece of newspaper or paper towel inside of the chamber for faster ignition.  
  • When you are finished cooking, you can let the fire burn out or finish burning the rest of the wood.
  • Since the Ecofogão is a stove based on surface contact, always use pans with flat bottoms in order to use the most energy.  If the pan has a deformed bottom, it is best if it is curved towards the inside of the pan, allowing the pan to rest securely on the stove top for better heating and to prevent accidents.




  • Before lighting another fire in the Ecofogão, you need to remove the ashes left from the last fire.  Remove the grill and with a long spoon remove the ashes, which can be used as fertilization in a garden or a flower bed.  
  • The griddle should periodically be dipped in oil in order to prevent rust and prolong its useful life. This should also be down with meats that are going to be cooked directly on the stovetop.
  • If the Ecofogão is used every day for many hours, it is recommended that you removed the accumulated soot under the stove plate and clean it once per week.
  • Also, the chimney needs to be cleaned every two months or less, depending on how much you use the Ecofogão.  One easy way to clean the chimney is to tap the chimney with a piece of wood along the entire length and lift up the chimney to remove the soot from the box on the Ecofogão at the base of the chimney.  
  • In order to clean the stainless steel oven, follow the instructions provided by ACESITA





  • The most typical problem of the Ecofogão is the return of smoke through the mouth of the combustion chamber.  This problem occurs when the passage for the combustion gases is restricted.  This occurs when there is excessive soot underneath the stove plate or in the chimney.  In this case, it is recommended to clean underneath the stove plate and the chimney.  Whenever smoke or flames are coming out of the mouth of the combustion chamber, this is an indication that the Ecofogão is not working properly and immediate maintenance is necessary.
  • Another typical problem is when the stove top does not heat up, which also occurs when there is excessive soot underneath the stove plate.  To fix this problem, clean underneath the stove plate.
  • One problem that can occur with time is the excessive accumulation of coals in the combustion chamber.  This can restrict air circulation underneath the grate.  For this, open a space for air to enter, or remove the excess coals.
  • Smoke generally will only escape around the stove top when the fire is just starting, especially when using paper that generates lots of smoke.  If smoke continues to escape around the stove top, check if the gasket is positioned well under the griddle around the border, sealing the griddle with the body of the stove.  




If you would like to consult us or need additional technical assistance with your Ecofogão, you can contact us by telephone (31) 3497-6655 or by e-mail


© 2004 - 2005 Ecofogão